No selfie option#3LineTales#Humor


photo by Grant McCurdy via Unsplash

Overcoming her embarrassment, the camera asked the iphone,

“Can you please take a picture of me? I don’t have selfie option.”

iphone duly obliged saying “Anytime for you,Granny!”


P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Forty-Five’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.

Not so sincere #3linetales


photo by Dominik Martin – here’s a bigger version

“Mommy, Look at this picture I shot just now”, said seven-year old Ethan beaming proudly showing a photo in his Dad’s cell phone to his Mom.

“Wow!Ethan.You are so talented “,replied Jane encouragingly while looking at the photo keenly .

Immediately Jane stormed out of the kitchen to confront her husband about several things: Why he let young Ethan use his cellphone, why he is secretly smoking instead of helping her to prepare for Ethan’s birthday party in the evening,  and most importantly, why he started smoking again after he sounded so sincere when he promised her that he will never smoke again just a week ago.

P.S: The above post is written for two prompts:

1.Daily prompt: Sincere and

2. ‘Three line tales: Week Forty’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.

Photography Obsession#3linetales


photo by Shaun Holloway

Pumpkin on the kitchen counter…Click..Pumpkin on the plate..Click..Pumpkin with knife on the plate..Click..Pumpkin cut into half..Click..Pumpkin seeds..Click..

“Is my milkshake ready?” ,yelled my husband from the living room.

Oops! While I was engrossed taking pictures of the pumpkin in every possible angle, I totally forgot about preparing the healthy oats-pumpkin milkshake that I had coaxed my husband into drinking instead of his morning coffee, half an hour ago!

P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Thirty-Nine’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.


That’s how a spooky story started #3linetales


photo by Ben Rosett – large version here

“The empty swing, the shadow of someone approaching the swing and a white ghost like figure at the far end of the chairs,  – Definitely, it’s a spooky swing!”, gasped his friend  seeing the photo.

The photographer amused with this inference immediately uploaded the photo on Facebook with the title ‘Spooky Swing’ , added the explanation provided by his friend , and that post, which was meant to be a prank , went viral  as a ‘Paranormal sighting’ within few minutes !

“Oh! This is how spooky stories start!”, thought the photographer, who alone knew the truth that the girl who was supposed to sit on the swing left to play with her friends exactly at the moment he clicked the camera.!


P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Thirty-Seven’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.

Mom’s time off #3LineTales


photo by Mike Wilson

“I too need some rest every day”, thought a Mom , who got exhausted managing her restaurant, and catering to every need of her family.

So, at home too, she hung up a ‘SERVICE’ board at the entrance of her bedroom, instructed her family members that she will be at their service only during specific timings in the day and walked into her room for some peaceful “me” time.

After an hour of undisturbed siesta when she happily entered the living room,she was shocked to see the cluttered house which would take her next 3 hours to clean!


P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Thirty-Six’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.

Supermodel #3linetales#Humor


photo by Rebecca Johnston 

” I’m glamorous with white skin tone and slim body.

I can pose well for the photos irrespective of the weather and the photographer’s skill.

Unlike my fellow deer who are lazily sitting here, I am hardworking.” ,  wrote the ambitious deer , who apparently knew how to market herself , in her application for “National Geographic channel’s Supermodel 2016” competition.


P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Thirty-Five’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.



Plan B #3linetales


                                          photo by Wolf Schram

“I hope no one sees me” , he worries as he emerges from the taxi.

Half an hour later, a dapper executive at a corporate office is fishing his pockets for his drawer keys when he accidentally pulls out a receipt of the ride in the morning.

He smiles satisfactorily knowing that even if he were to lose his job to the alleged downsizing, he could still rely on the income from his part time job as a taxi driver.



P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Thirty-Four’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.


‘Wool’ly inspiration # 3LineTales


photo by Philip Estrada

With this beautiful wool, should I sew a sweater for my boy  or  a frock for my girl?

Nah! I can do better.

Let me spin a yarn!


P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Thirty-Three’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.


Best-selling book on Lemons


Photo prompt by Erol Ahmed


When life gave her lemons, she made lemon juice.

As life continued to give her crates of lemons, she perfected her recipe and marketed it.

Now she is the author of the best-selling self-help book “Make the lemons in your life work for you!”


P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Fifteen’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.

Three Line Tales: Dream


photo by kazuend


However hard life may seem, never abandon your dream.

Be persistent and follow your scheme.

Surely one day, like these flowers, your life will bloom.


P.S: The above post is written for ‘Three line tales: Week Twelve’ challenge by Sonya, the author of ‘Only 100 Words’ blog. Thank you, Sonya, for hosting this challenge. To read more posts for this event, click here.