Skeleton made me laugh!(Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers)


“Mommy, come. Look. “

“What, baby? Come here and Sit beside me.”

We were waiting for our turn at the doctor’s office and my five year old daughter who hates waiting, started walking across the hall and peering into the rooms located on either side of the hallway.

“No, Mommy. Come here. I want to show you something.”

Reluctantly, I got up and went to see what my daughter found so exciting. My daughter was pointing to a skeleton in the lab.

”Mommy, somebody has put a Halloween decoration”.

“Oh! No! Baby, that is not for Halloween. That is a skeleton. That is how we are inside our body”

“Ew..Am I like that inside?”


“Mommy, are you like that?”

“Yes, Baby. Every one of us”

“Including Barbie? Is she like that inside?”

Thankfully, the nurse called us and I escaped the never ending questions from my daughter.


Copyright © 2016 Written by Jahnavi Chintakunta ~ All rights reserved

P.S. This post is written in response to the FFfAW challenge. Click on the picture below to know the details about this challenge.




31 thoughts on “Skeleton made me laugh!(Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers)

  1. Pingback: Thank You, Dear Readers + Awards | Wandering Soul

  2. lol.. i love the twists you give. Again, had stared at the skeleton, and annoyed at him staring back at me, had closed the tab and promptly forgot all about the prompt 😦
    well written and narrated!

  3. This is so sweet! Halloween… only a child will think of that! Oh, She must be disheartened that her Barbie looks like that on the inside. 😄 Or she may feel that she’s as good as Barbie, since they are the same (on the inside)! LOL! Wonderful! I really love this! 😄

  4. Cute. She is a smart little girl. If all people are like that inside why isn’t her Barbie which looks like a person. Good thing the Nurse called them in. Good writing.

  5. I am wondering if you ended up with a decapitated Barbie to put together again. A child’s curiosity knows no bounds. Excellent story and a great sample of what flash-fiction should be.

  6. Lovely post. It reminded me of my daughter how she used to embarrass me in public sometimes with her question. She will ask you again, children never forget.

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